Photographs are priceless; they are a history preserver, a conversation starter. Photographs help us remember moments that have shaped us into the people we are today. Every image you have seen has a story behind it. Ones filled with triumph, tears, and love. We use them to celebrate. This time of your life will never happen again. Let's make it count.
I photograph because I love people. I believe you were fearfully and wonderfully created, with a grand purpose. Every person is worth celebrating!
So what's my story? I've been photographing as long as I can remember, using all the extra money on one hour development at Walgreens. I've spent more time in the darkroom then in my high school classes. I was inspired to the art of story-telling after Baby #3 was born. I love traveling all over the U.S. and making new friends!
and more
about jenny
our family
a few other facts
There are four of them. Yes, they are all mine and I know exactly how it happened. They teach me great depths of love and learning. We love cooking, dance parties, and nurf gun battles.
We love
Indian Food
The Gulf
my Babes
my greatest adventure
We celebrated his 20th birthday together, and were married just after we could buy beer. We love all thing food and make crazy spontaneous decisions together.
my partner in crime & #1 Fan