Nothing like counting down that reflecting over your work this past year. As a photographer, we also create many fun memories along the way. Some images steal are heart, and so do the people behind them. On a personal note, here are my favorite five images of 2016 (in no particular order) and a little glimpse behind them.
You’ve seen this image before if you have followed my work for any amount of time. This past April, I participated in a styled shoot with the Rising Tide Society, a network of creatives who get to put our talents together and make some amazing things happen! I shot along some of the best wedding photographers in Atlanta. This image has a soft spot because I imagined it, and made it happen. The vision as a photographer, and executing that vision are two things that we are constantly trying to marry together. I was indoors, using a speedlight, doing everything I was insecure about doing, but challenged myself and was pleased with the results! My session was then published through Borrowed and Blue and
I took this shot at my cousin Chellsea’s wedding in AZ this year. It’s a picture of my grandfathers. The Lord has blessed me graciously, allowing me to grow and do life with both of them. I am also so thankful my children know their great grandparents, and what amazing, honorable men they are.
This was the funnest project for me this year. Community Bible Church put on an amazing Christmas production called “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. I was able to take marketing and production shots, and head shots of the crew and actors. I couldn’t help getting all choked up, looking at these smiling faces. We pray, worship, fellowship, and share each other’s burdens. These 39 people represent my friends, my children’s friends, and people who love my family dearly.
This portrait really captures my “why” behind Jenny V Photography. After hearing Shannon’s story about her stepdad passing away last year, she wanted to honor him in her portraits by recreating a favorite image that he was in. As we were walking to our spot, and I was adjusting my camera settings, I looked up to see that the Champagne popped the top off the bottle before Shannon and I were ready!! She got into position, and I fired away. I was so thankful we nailed it. Portraits have a funny cycle. After you have them, they are valued and looked at over and over. As time goes on, they become forgotten. Year’s later they are rediscovered, and cherished more than ever before.
My favorite image I took this year wasn’t planned (the best using aren’t) while I was driving home from a shoot at Berry College in Rome, GA. I saw this view out of my rear view mirror,and had to stop. I found a place to pull over and just marvel at the gift God was sharing with me. A small glimpse of the splendor and glory of our King. No matter what happens to you this coming year, know that their is a magnificent Creator who has a purpose for you,and desires for you to know Him personally through Jesus. I’m praying for opportunities this year for my clients to see Him through me. What about you? Do you have a favorite image to share? I would love to for you to share in the comments! Happy New Year!